Wednesday, May 18, 2016

EMMA SCHKLOVEN from the Lynchburg Paper "News and Advance" today published a very encouraging feature about me.

Here a couple of excerpts. For the whole article please follow the link.
Jurgen Ziesmann, a biology professor at Lynchburg College and the featured artist in Riverviews Artspace's Co-Op Gallery this month, works on a painting at his studio in Lynchburg. He says he never starts with a clear idea of how his art will look when finished. "I like to mimic ... biological processes because I'm often surprised myself [by] what the outcome is."

Ziesmann, the featured artist in Riverviews Artspace’s Co-Op Gallery this month, never starts with a clear idea of how the piece will look when finished. Instead, he places lines and shapes on the paper and allows them to grow and develop naturally, much in the way organisms do.
“I like to mimic those biological processes because I’m often surprised myself [by] what the outcome is,” he says while sitting in the front room of his Rivermont home, which doubles as his studio, an incomplete painting of squiggles, dots and brown earth tones in front of him. “If you have two cells, one from one organism and one from a different organism, they could grow into completely different things.”
“It resembles biology,” he says of his process. “You have surprisingly few genes and according to the rules, you have predictable outcomes. Every human has two arms, two legs, a body, a face, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. But applying the same rules with tiny variations on it gives you all this variety. There’s not a single human exactly the same as any other on Earth or before you or after you. You’re unique. I like the idea that my pictures are somewhat similar.”

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Art at the McGuffey.

I am set to show my art in March at the McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville VA. That is a quite big project. Want to know what to expect?...