Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jason Hallman and Stephen Stum = Stallman

Today I stumbled upon the art of Hallmann and Stum. And if you know the art I produce a little bit, you know why I just have to love their work. This is stunningly beautiful design using very organic shapes, gradual color changes ... and on top of it ... it is 3D. The titles of their works support it: organelle, chlorophyll, tidal pool, the narrows ... imply the biology behind the shapes.
Hallman and Stum - South Pacific
The description on their website reads: "Canvas on Edge – Stallman is pioneering a new technique using paint and canvas as sculpture, naming this body of work Canvas on Edge. They are taking canvas and paint and giving it a creative edge. Now the canvas has the leading role, creating form, highlight and movement.
The cut edge of the canvas creates an elevated line drawing and when seen at an angle, fields of color emerge as your perspective to the piece changes. Each length of painted canvas is bonded to itself and to the background creating a rigid structure within the frame. The hue of the painted canvas reflects on the background creating a spectrum of color. By using reflecting light, pigment and structure they can multiply the hues and tones within each sculpture."
Hallman and Stum - Shadow Dancing
A more closeup view shows that all the shapes are made by canvas on its edge:
Hallman and Stum - Solar flare
I already think how I can incorporate some of these ideas into my work.

Monday, September 14, 2015

George Redhawk's animated gifs

The first image I happened to stumble upon already created this feeling of incredible beauty mixed with slightly creepy. George Redhawk takes original artwork from other artists and creates looping gifs with incredible detail. Judge for yourself:

Original “Nice To Meet You” by Werner Hornung – Gif by DarkAngel0ne aka Georg Redhawk

    Original “The Remains of a Memory” by Adam Martinakis – Gif by DarkAngel0ne aka Georg Redhawk

Original by Janusz Jurek, gif by George RedHawk

    Original “I had no earthly idea” by Werner Hornung – Gif by DarkAngel0ne aka Georg Redhawk

    Check out his scrapbook for many more images and let him and me know which you love most. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New works - September

My job keeps me busy, so mainly I have to show some sketches, tries (and errors) for this month.
Meine Arbeit hält mich beschäftigt, deshalb habe ich vor allem kleine Skizzen, Versuche (und Irrtümer) vorzuweisen, diesen Monat.
Two little more or less abstract figures - doodled during meetings:
Zwei kleine mehr oder weniger abstrakte Figuren - gekritzelt während Vorträgen:


The next two follow a topic, I am exploring a little bit right now. How layers of information in a picture can influence the perception of space and time. Layers in this case is very literal ... as I draw on both sides of Kevlar sheets. Many thanks to Guy Kinnear, who demonstrated the possibilities to me first.
Die nächsten zwei folgen einem Thema. Ich erarbeite ein wenig wie verschiedene Ebenen von Information den Eindruck von Raum und auch Zeit in einem Bild verändern können. Ebenen ist in diesem Fall sehr wörtlich zu nehmen - ich zeichne auf Vorder- und Rückseite von Kevlar Bögen.
Vielen Dank an Guy Kinnear, der mir vorgemacht hat, wie das aussehen kann.

Guy's work can be found here:


And finally one for just the fun of drawing - also is by far the largest (30 by 10 inch). Und schliesslich eines einfach aus Spass am Zeichnen - ist auch mit Abstand das Grösste (75 x 25 cm) :

Art at the McGuffey.

I am set to show my art in March at the McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville VA. That is a quite big project. Want to know what to expect?...